The “Ship for the World 2025 youth program” leaves the port of Tokyo

The official kick-off was given for the departure of the “Ship for the World 2025 youth program, this afternoon, January 29, 2025, from the Odaiba port terminal, in Tokyo, in the presence of delegations from 13 countries of different contients, including a delegation of nine young Algerians.
The ceremony was organized on board the ship "Nippon Maru" in the presence of the Secretary of State to the Prime Minister of Japan, H.E. Mr. Kiyoyo TSUJI who gave the sending off, and members of the diplomatic corps representing the participating countries accredited to Tokyo. The Embassy of Algeria in Japan was represented at this ceremony by the Minister Counsellor.
The “World 2025 Youth Program Ship” will cruise the territorial waters of Japan, from January 29 to February 21, 2025, and will make two stops in Shizuoka and Shimane, before returning to Tokyo port. During this tour, young participants will discover the different facets of Japan's cultural wealth and the aspects of socio-economic life that characterize this Asian country. The opportunity will also be to exchange between young people from different cultures and backgrounds.
The Algerian delegation was welcomed by representatives of the Embassy on arrival, on 24 January 2025.